
Le Grand Lions Club’s History

The Le Grand Lions Club was officially chartered on January 13, 1940.

The Le Grand Lions Club, sponsored by the Chowchilla Lions Club, received its charter Saturday, February 24, 1940 at the high school auditorium in Le Grand.

Herbert Hargrave, District Governor of Fresno presented the charter and Fletcher Rogers, club president, made a speech of acceptance.

Visiting delegations were present from Chowchilla, Merced, and Madera. The Chowchilla club presented the new club with their bell and gavel, the Merced club their Lions club banner and the Madera club, the flag of our country.

Charter members were Alvin A. Baxter, J. J. Baxter, Ben R. Curry, Wood I. Glasgow, Leslie Kahl, Wirt B. King, Jr., H. V. Lambert, G. D. Lockwood, J. Wilson McKinney, Harmon Morley, Marvin E. Neuman, Clyde Ogden, O. A. Oswalt, J. A. Raynor, Fletcher Rogers, Cromwell Southward, Fred Tuttle, George H. Wenham, George B. White, Ira G. Wilkerson and the late T. D. Wilson.

Rogers was president and held that office for two years. McKinney, publisher of The Advocate, Le Grand’s weekly newspaper was secretary-treasurer.

The club held their meetings in the front room of the Emory Preston home for some time, later moving their headquarters to the Hotel room in the Ball building, meeting there for the first time September 4, 1940.

Above History from https://www.americantowns.com/place/le-grand-lions-club-le-grand-ca.html

A Typical Lion-Year

• The March club meeting usually features our traditional Corn Beef and Cabbage St. Patrick’s Day meal. Visiting clubs make the evening exciting, sometimes “borrowing” our club gavel.  Lion Presidents sometimes present a Melvin Jones Fellowship plaque and pin to an honored member.

• The club’s Student Speakers Contest has been the usual program for our February meeting.  Le Grand High students present excellent speeches on the current year’s topic. Our winner represents our club in the zone-level contest.

• In April, we will receive the nominations for our club officers.  In May, we have club elections. In July, we will have our installation night meeting at the American Legion Hall in Le Grand. No meeting is held in June, due to the activity of our many members at our local fairs.

• Club meetings provide an opportunity to order or buy Lions printed shirts, hats and vests.  Bring your checkbook or cash!